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POS Pricing and Fees

They are more likely to operate several resources and have control over a larger portion of the overall portfolio in an LEM, which means they are more likely to control a marginal resource and know when it is marginal. Ensuring low-cost entry and exit,…

Will the military get paid in October? Government shutdown casts doubt

Guess what—there are no late fees or penalties with sinking funds! When you hand someone cash for an item you’ve saved up for, you’re going to actually own it instead of owing for who trades futures it. When it’s time to make a payment,…

What is a holding company and how do you start one?

Holding companies are perfect for family (and non-family) businesses that are stifled by conflicts, disagreements between partners and high taxation. I never knew how difficult it was to obtain representation or a lawyer, and ContractsCounsel was EXACTLY the type of service I was hoping…